BlackOut Box

Thursday, September 22, 2005

RoYal Ontario Museum
The 3 Musketeers had really shiny suits. So Rita is about to lash the Texan Coast and maybe New Orleans again. Katrina was an utter tragedy - both the destruction of the storm itself and the response. Sort of discussed the American obsession with blame in class this week. Whenever anything bad happens, it seems that someone (preferably with deep pockets) is to blame. Well, there is always the option of rallying the community to help one another (really?). I suspect 'biting the bullet' would be much less palatable here than in Singapore. A line in the movie I watched this week keeps playing in my mind.... "someone [a corp.] out there, calculated the cost variance between a 10 cent bolt and a million dollar lawsuit. And they decided to sacrifice a few lives in between. I will sue them. I will sue them till they bleed"

This was Modernism as represented in the late 1930s. No! this was not supposed to be a spittoon or anything. Just an artist's impression of what an orange juice jug might look like in the 21st century. I'm impressed. Certainly wouldn't mind having it in the kitchen. Besides, anything "Bling, Bling" is always in here. I've been faithfully following 2 semi-reality tv shows lately - other than friends and sex&the city reruns - Miami Ink and Overhauling!. Wish they had these shows in Singapore!


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