BlackOut Box

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bachelor's Pad, Toronto, Ontario, Fall 2005

Breakfast, Fall 2005

My life has been revolving around food lately. Feel like a caveman. Out hunting and gathering in the day, eating a hearty feast at night. The Tv broke down so no EPL this weekend. Bullocks. Was supposed to see this annual busker's fair this saturday but of all days, the weather decided to rain on my parade. Mocking Me. On the brighter side, I went to the top of CN Tower! Its more than 500m tall can you believe it, though it did look like an elongated phallus. Heh. The view was breathtaking. They even had the portion which had glass floors so you can take some pretty outstanding photos. Felt vertigo more than once. Been cooking alot. Think I may be able to open my own joint when I get back. Haha.


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